Monday 12 March 2018

FAQs about the USS Athena SWAN letter

Strike placard by Emily Baughan
Version 1.0 of FAQ by Ian Gent, 12 March 2018

What is the twitter hashtag for this effort?


Where is the letter?

You can find the letter here:


How do I sign the letter?

Sign the letter at the same link as above, at URL

I'm not on strike/not at a striking university/not in USS/... Can I sign?

Yes please, if you agree with the letter. The letter is purposefully drafted to enable staff from post92 unis and other unis not on strike to sign. The only difference is that we don't ask for a response to the query about response to the UUK survey. 

How will I know if my institution has responded?

We intend to put up institutional responses here, but we certainly don't demand that they contact us directly.  We will also be happy to post institutional responses here (unedited) and links to responses (e.g. posted on their website).  

Who will decide if my institution's response is satisfactory?

You will. We believe that if there is no response, that will be unsatisfactory, but given a response it will be for you to judge if you find it acceptable or not. We will allow comments on the blog discussing what is said, but we believe that it is not appropriate for us to form a judgement that University X's response is satisfactory while University Y's is not.

When should I stop undertaking from my Athena SWAN activities?

If you are currently undertaking Athena SWAN activities you may wish to resign immediately from them, pending a satisfactory response from your institution.  However, we also recognise that some staff are currently writing submissions for a looming deadline in April 2018, and staff in this situation may feel they would be letting colleagues down if they immediately stopped work and then started again on receipt of a satisfactory letter. Therefore, you should form your own judgement as to when best to step down from your activities.  

If I resign from Athena SWAN activities, aren't I letting women and other disadvantaged groups down?

We recommend that you continue working on activities at your institution that are focussed on equality, with the exception of putting together, drafting, commenting on, and reviewing Athena SWAN applications.  If in doubt please use your judgement. For example, we do not suggest that you stop working on a worthwhile equality initiative that was proposed as part of your most recent Athena SWAN submission.

I'm paid to work on Athena SWAN at my institution, so cannot withdraw from activities. What do I do?

If you are in this position we have explicitly included the proviso that contractually obligated staff can sign to agree with the principles stated in the letter but will not withdraw from work related to Athena SWAN.  Our informal opinion is that this would not apply to a typical academic member of staff who is (for example) the Athena SWAN lead for their department, but we are obviously not in a position to give you any kind of formal advice.

I've decided that I can't sign the letter because I don't want to resign from Athena SWAN activities.

We absolutely respect your decision and in that case you are absolutely right not to sign the letter. In that case we do hope that you will raise the issues from the letter with the relevant people at your institution, e.g. the E&D lead or Athena SWAN chair locally.

Our university responded 10 minutes/hours/days ago and you haven't updated.

We are doing this on a purely voluntary basis (and will not accept advertising for this blog).  As of this writing, we are on strike so doing it completely unpaid, but on return to work will doubtless have multiple other activities to undertake.

What is your comments policy?

We welcome discussion and comments on this blog. We will remove advertising comments and comments of inappropriate tone (by our judgement).

How do I advertise on your blog?

We don't accept advertising and won't enable earnings options through the Blogger program. However, if you have an event or item for discussion that you think is of genuine interest to readers then please propose it to us.

Who wrote this letter?

The letter was proposed by Claire Marris, who received writing help from (in alphabetical order) Isabel Davis, Ian Gent, Jo Grady, and Siobhan McGrath. We also received helpful comments and changes from users who edited a Google Docs draft. We thank them anonymously but also will be happy to credit by name if you get in touch.

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